It’s Here! Atlas of QSL Cards is Now Available

Who would have thought that house cleaning can spark such a project? It all started with moving some cardboard boxes out from our home office—and now, the book is ready to go on Amazon’s virtual shelves. Amazing.

The book pays tribute to the Finnish radio amateur collective OH2AM, and to my late father, OH2BBR, who was proud to be part of this group. Today, September 19th, marks exactly 60 years since their debut during the 1964 Scandinavian Activity Contest (SAC), where OH2AM took first place in the multi-multi CW and phone categories.

This sixth consecutive Finnish victory wasn’t announced right away, though: according to the 6/1965 issue of Radioamatööri magazine, it was a nail-biting six months that contesters had to wait for final results, which came only in the next year.

Since OH2AM made such a strong entrance into the world of amateur radio on that day, what better day to put this book "on air" than September 19th! I think my father would be proud, though at the same time also wondering if I didn’t already have enough excitement in my life.

When the picture of table with QSL cards was taken in the summer of 2023 I was still scratching my head, trying to figure out how to sort the QSL cards, amazed by the designs and intrigued by the places I’d never even heard of before. Soon after, I found out about the DXCC list, and from there, well... a few things led to more things, and so the big project began; there was no turning back!

If you decide to pick up a copy, I truly hope you enjoy it. Thank you for your support, and for sharing in this journey with me.


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